Research Article |
The Great Resignation: An Argument for Hybrid Leadership
Author(s) : Dr. Joseph C. Hopkins1and Dr. Kimberly A. Figaro1
Publisher : FOREX Publication
Published : 30 October 2021
e-ISSN : 2347-4696
Page(s) : 393-400
The purpose of this article is to contribute to past research conducted as it relates to the leadership competencies and attributes promoting social interaction that influence employee retention in virtual and hybrid work environments. A quantitative study involving 304 workers across a diverse group of industries, divided amongst face-to-face, hybrid, and virtual work environments suggested that social interaction was a significant predictor of job embeddedness in hybrid (β = .15, t(96) = 2.16, p < .05 and virtual (β = .33, t(86) = 7.96, p < .05) work groups. Additional research is needed to identify the leadership competencies and attributes that promote social interaction amongst team members in both virtual and hybrid environments. Several instruments are needed. Firstly, a measure for the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) of hybrid and virtual team leaders. Secondly, an instrument to assess social interaction amongst hybrid and virtual team members. Finally, a modification to the Mitchell et al.’s embeddedness instrument to incorporate Work From Home (WFH) and Work From Away (WFA) environments.
Keywords: Hybrid
, Leadership
, Remote work
, Social interaction
, Virtual teams
Dr. Joseph C. Hopkins , College of Business, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, Texas U.S.A ; Email:
Dr. Kimberly A. Figaro, College of Business, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, Texas U.S.A
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Dr. Joseph C. Hopkins and Dr. Kimberly A. Figaro (2021), The Great Resignation: An Argument for Hybrid Leadership. IJBMR 9(4), 393-400. DOI: 10.37391/IJBMR.090402.