Review Article |
Motivation and Performance: A Psychological Process
Author(s) : Prof. Shoeb Ahmad
Publisher : FOREX Publication
Published : 05 April 2021
e-ISSN : 2347-4696
Page(s) : 104-112
The achievement of a workplace entirely depends on the skill of managers that how to offer a motivating environment to its employees. The performance of a workplace entirely depends upon employee motivation which is a crucial element in creating an amicable environment for producing optimal performance. Employee motivation is highly responsible in stimulating workplace harmony, commitment and overall employee performance at the workplace. It is decisive in relating to long term benefits for the organization. Motivated employees signify staff retention and loyalty towards the workplace which in turn foster growth & development of business. In the competitive business environment, the biggest challenge for managers is to retain the employees and keep them motivated to perform satisfactorily at the workplace. Equally, it is important that the manager must be aware of the behavioural instinct of employees and of the factors of what possibly motivate them. Individuals can be motivated due to various factors like: leadership, rewards, incentives, etc. and other organizational constituents in which they perform the duties. Keeping in mind these views, the study primarily focuses upon the effects of motivational factors on employees’ performance. Subsequently, the study highlights the connection among employee motivation along with performance.
Keywords: Motivation
, Organizations
, Performance
, Rewards
, Theory X
, Theory Y
, Psychology
Prof. Shoeb Ahmad , Department of Managerial and Financial Sciences, Al Zahra College for Women, Muscat, Oman ; Email:
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Prof. Shoeb Ahmad (2021), Motivation and Performance: A Psychological Process. IJBMR 9(2), 104-112. DOI: 10.37391/IJBMR.090201.