I Global Value Chain-Oriented Industrialization: Policies Revisited
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Global Value Chain-Oriented Industrialization: Policies Revisited

Author(s) : Masato Abe*, Jaewon Kim and Sheikh Morshed Jahan

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 10 August 2023

e-ISSN :2347-4696

Page(s) : 71-80

Masato Abe*, Economist, United Nations Multi-Country Office for Micronesia; Email: abem@un.org

Jaewon Kim, Ph.D. Candidate at the Geneva Graduate Institute

Sheikh Morshed Jahan,Professor at the Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka

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Masato Abe, Jaewon Kim and Sheikh Morshed Jahan (2023), Global Value Chain-Oriented Industrialization: Policies Revisited. IJBMR 11(3), 71-80. DOI: 10.37391/IJBMR.110301.