Research Article |
Impacts of Employee Engagement and Workforce Productivity on Retail Companies
Author(s) : Dr. Sada H. Jaman1, Dr. Kevin C. James2and Dr. Desire S. Luamba3
Publisher : FOREX Publication
Published : 28 January 2022
e-ISSN : 2347-4696
Page(s) : 6-18
Employee disengagement has become a big concern for retail companies to increase productivity. In the United States, retail companies lose at least $96 billion in revenue every year. Using transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies needed by retail companies to improve employee engagement and increase workforce productivity. From data collected using face-to-face open-ended interview questions with 4 retail business leaders located in the eastern region of the United States and who have experienced this phenomenon; three major themes emerged. The primary themes that emerged were professional development, collaboration, and work-life balance. Based on the tenets of transformational leadership, the findings indicated that the 3 major themes were strategic to promote employee engagement, improve workforce productivity and financial stability. The findings also reveal that potential leaders could use transformational leadership strategy to improve workforce productivity and financial stability, thereby improving the quality of life for the employees, economic independence, and wellbeing in the local community.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction
, Workforce Engagement
, Business Productivity
, Professional Development
Dr. Sada H. Jaman,Doctor in Business Administration (Information Systems), Instructor at LaGuardia Community College (CUNY), Queens, NY-USA ; Email:
Dr. Kevin C. James,Doctor in Business Administration (International Business Management), Subcontracts Manager, L3Harris Technologies Inc., Palm Bay, FL-USA
Dr. Desire Luamba,Doctor in Business Administration (Finance), Star Light Consulting LLC, Manassas, VA-USA
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Dr. Sada H. Jaman, Dr. Kevin C. James and Dr. Desire S. Luamba (2022), Impacts of Employee Engagement and Workforce Productivity on Retail Companies. IJBMR 10(1), 6-18. DOI: 10.37391/IJBMR.100102.