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Impacts of Employee Engagement and Workforce Productivity on Retail Companies

Author(s) : Dr. Sada H. Jaman1, Dr. Kevin C. James2and Dr. Desire S. Luamba3

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 28 January 2022

e-ISSN : 2347-4696

Page(s) : 6-18

Dr. Sada H. Jaman,Doctor in Business Administration (Information Systems), Instructor at LaGuardia Community College (CUNY), Queens, NY-USA ; Email:

Dr. Kevin C. James,Doctor in Business Administration (International Business Management), Subcontracts Manager, L3Harris Technologies Inc., Palm Bay, FL-USA

Dr. Desire Luamba,Doctor in Business Administration (Finance), Star Light Consulting LLC, Manassas, VA-USA

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Dr. Sada H. Jaman, Dr. Kevin C. James and Dr. Desire S. Luamba (2022), Impacts of Employee Engagement and Workforce Productivity on Retail Companies. IJBMR 10(1), 6-18. DOI: 10.37391/IJBMR.100102.