Research Article |
Impact of Herzberg Two-Factor Theory on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction: An Implication to the Private Universities of Bangladesh
Author(s) : Md. Tota Miah1, Md. Jahid Hasan2
Publisher : FOREX Publication
Published : 25 January 2022
e-ISSN : 2347-4696
Page(s) : 1-5
This paper examines to identify the responsible factors for increasing academician’s job satisfaction of private universities in the northern part of Bangladesh. This study seeks to investigate the suitability of Herzberg Two Factor theory by using five point Likert scale for data collection. To measure these, the researcher has applied descriptive statistics including frequency analysis, mean and standard deviation. The results have been conducted and analyzed of 92 respondents that show the teachers are less satisfied with the working conditions and the research opportunities in their workplace. Furthermore, the salary and fringe benefits as well as the quality of working life (Job security) might have a strong tendency to create job resentment among the teachers. The findings of this study are emphasizing that the hygiene factors, including the Job security, salary and fringe benefits, physical working conditions, research potentials are the most responsible factors causing job dissatisfaction along with some motivational factors such as job autonomy, the way of recognizing teachers' achievement. The researcher ended up that the authority should put high emphasis on faculty job satisfaction by taking care of the hygiene factors as well as the job dissatisfaction avoidance issues (Motivational factors) for a favorable workplace.
Keywords: Hygiene
, Achievement
, Job satisfaction
, Gratification
Md. Tota Miah, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Varendra University, Bangladesh ; Email:
Md. Jahid Hasan, Undergraduate Student, Department of Business Administration, Varendra University, Bangladeshp
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Md. Tota Miah and Md. Jahid Hasan (2022), Impact of Herzberg Two-Factor Theory on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction: An Implication to the Private Universities of Bangladesh. IJBMR 10(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.37391/IJBMR.100101.