Editor- IJBMR
Dr. Aftab Ara Senior Business Faculty College of Excellence,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Research Area: Negotiation, Organization Behavior, Intellectual Property,Leadership ,Health andsafety, Human Resource Email: ara.aftab@gmail.com Phone: +966594740776 Google Scholar-ID
Enthusiastic Educator with over 10 years of successful experience in academics with an experience in education technology, adult learning, organisational learning and development.Recognized consistently for performance excellence and contributions to success in students pass rate.Strength in research,training and supervision. Skilled at using technology to facilitate and enhance learning and able to quickly learn the operation of new software systems. Team player who is committed to contributing to departmental objectives to create an optimal experience for both students and faculty. Excellent pedagogical knowledge and awareness of the theories and practices of learning, teaching and technologyenhanced learning.
1. A. Ara,” Integrating IoT , Streaming Analytics and Machine Learning to improve Intelligent Diabetes Management System”,International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing(ICECDS 2017), at SKR Engineering College, Poonamallee, Tamail Nadu,India, DOI: 10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8390043(With Affreen Ara)
2. A. Ara, ”Beyond Hadoop: The Paradigm shift of Data from stationary to streaming Data for Data Analytics”. Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, U.A.E, Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, SJEAT-Volume-2: Issue-6 ,DOI: 10.21276/sjeat (Jun, 2017)
3. A. Ara,” Cloud for Big Data Analytics Trends” ,International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Computer Engineering(IOSR-JCE)(A Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Journal).pp-18,e-ISSN-2278-0661,p-ISSN-2278- 8727,Vol-18.,Issue-5,Sep-2016,DOI: 10.9790/0661-1805040106 (With Affreen Ara)
4. A.Ara, “Implementing Knowledge Management Solutions in Infosys” .International Journal of Management and Social Science(IJMSS)ISSN:2321-1784)If-5.276 Issue March2016
5. A. Ara, K.K Das,“ Impact of Human Resource Information Systems on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study”, Splint International Journal of Professionals(A bi-Annual Peer Reviewed International Journal of Management and IT)Vol.II.No.1,January 2015,pp.47-63,ISSN-2349-6045,IF-(SJIF)
6. A. Ara, “Information of Data and Information Proliferation on organization Knowledge: A System Dynamic Approach” Jamal Academic Research Journal(JARJ) ISSN :0973-0303,pp417-427,IF-0.674 Special Issue-January 2015
7. A. Ara,“ManagementinPromotingInnovationinHigherEducation:AliteratureReview”.GE-International Journal of management Research,ISSN-(2321-1709),ISSN(Print)(2394-4226),IF-4.88,Vol-2.,Issue-8(August2014)
8. A. Ara, K.K Das, “Dynamics Of Human Resource Practices And Knowledge Management In Promoting Innovation In Higher Education: A Literature Review” associated Asia Research Foundation IF-3.142 ISSN: (2321-1709) VOLUME -2, ISSUE -8 .pp 323-342, August 2014
9. A. Ara, K.K Das“RoleofGreenfieldProjectonGrowthandProsperity:CaseStudyofRourkelaSteelPlant”BritishJournalof Research ISSN 2394-3718 Vol. 1, Issue 01,pp 039-048,Jul-Aug2014 DOI: BJR[1][1][2014]016-025
10. A. Ara, K.K Das, “E-Learning by Cloud Computing-Challenges, Benefits and Changes: a Case Study of Al- Medina Internationalo University.”InternationalJournalofEngineeringScience&ResearchTechnologyISSN:2277-9655.IF0.675.Vol3Issue 7, PP 366-378, July 2014
11. A. Ara, K.K Das, “Harley Davidson' Success Speaks- Brand Image and Culture: An HR Perspective” Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science Online ISSN: 2277-5056 | Print ISSN: 2250-1096,IF-0.541,pp 48- 56, May 2014, DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.4808 (with Dr K. K Das)
12. A. Ara,“ Is Social Networking Site Dispersing Communication Gap ?Case of Facebook” International Journal of Business Administration and Management ISSN :2278-3660 Vol. 4 No 1,pp 47-62(2014)
13. A. Ara, K.K Das, “Leadership In VUCA World: A Case Of Lenovo” International Journal of Current Research_ ISSN: 0975833X Vol.6,IF-6.226,Issue,04,pp.6410-6419,April,2014
14. A. Ara, K.K Das, “Employee Retention Strategy: A Case Study Of Saudi Oger Company, Saudi Arabia” Asia Pacific Journal oMarketing & Management Review ISSN 2319-2836 .IF-0.645,Vol.3 (3),pp 45-60, March 201415. A. Ara, K.K Das, “ICT As A New Wave In Teaching And Learning Strategy –An Overview Of University Of Hail, Saudi Arabia” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review(APJMMR)ISSN 2319-2836, IF-0.645, Vol.3 (3), pp61-104 March 2014
16. A. Ara, “Information Technology and Knowledge Management in higher Education Institutions” Innovative Ideas in Business management: Bharti Publications, ISBN 978-93-81212-91-2, pp 471-47
17. A. Ara, K. K Das, “Strategic Role of Human Resources in Automobile Industry: A Case Study of Harley-Davidson” Edited E Book of National Conference on Business Innovation, Economics and Management 73- 82. ISBN:978-93-82338-871(2013)