Handloom weaving is an ancient industry. The textile cottage industry includes cotton, silk, and bleaching, dying, finishing, hosiery, lace embroidery, silk reeling, silk twisting. It is the chief means of livelihood to people who entirely depend upon it...
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Financial Inclusion-a key disciplinarian of bread-and-butter advance and abjection advancement , as admission to accounts can addition job creation, abate vulnerability to shocks and admission investment in animal capital. Read more
The stock market is an important part of the economy of a country .The stock market value or index value of a country is calculated by the generally accepted mathematical formula using on some selected prices of stocks listed and traded specific stock exchange... Read more
Now a day’s Energy plays a vital role in every sector like agriculture, industry, transport, commercial and domestic. Energy is the primary key for development of the country. Only two types are sources for energy generations are presents that are Non Renewable and Renewable Sources. But due to climate change and fossil fuel depletion renewable sources are becoming major reason for focusing for energy generation... Read more
In this paper the environmental problems related with the discarded electronic appliances, known as e-waste, are reviewed.E-waste contains toxic substances such as Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) which leak into ground water when these electronic goods are dumped on the ground... Read more
This paper deals with the environmental problems and the human right which is to be kept in mind for the future generation, right to live in a clean and healthy environment. It focuses on the link between the environment and human. Sir Griffith Taylor came up with a concept of neo determinism which is also called as the dichotomy between determinism and possibilism... Read more